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FCBD® Style European Summer School

22. July 2024 | 9:00 - 11. August 2024 | 17:00 CEST

We are absolutely honored to welcome back Carolena Nericcio. The originator of FatChance® Style, back to Europe for the European Summer School in 2024. Her outstanding co-teachers will be Kelley Beeston, Devon, UK, and DeAnna Padrón Freeman, Portland, USA.

Event applications and registrations will be released one by one.

FCBD® Style European Summer School

Date of the entire event 22. July – 11. August 2024

Technique for Teachers
What is TfT, more information on the FCBD® webside.
22. – 25. July 2024, 4 days, 20 hours
The application procedure has not yet been opened.
Opening on 8. October 2023

Student requirements
For graduates of Teacher Training for FCBD®.  Each day will consist of a detailed breakdown of two core moves from the FCBD®Style vocabulary followed by chorus drills. Each participant will have an opportunity to lead a two-song drill and receive feedback on their movement technique. We’ll have plenty of time for questions and answers, and bonus drills as well. If you have already participated in Teacher Training, please enclose a copy of your certificate with your application. Each participant will receive a certificate of attendance at the end of the course, but must be present for the entire 20 hours. Participants must be proficient in the English language.

Advanced Teacher Training
What is ATT, more information on the FCBD® webside.
29. July – 1. August 2024, 4 days, 20 hours
The application procedure has not yet been opened.
Opening on 22. October 2023

Student requirements
For graduates of Teacher Training for FCBD® and preferably the Technique for Teacher.
Within the framework of the Advanced Teacher Training, participants will engage with a diverse set of advanced teaching skills. These encompass the mastery of classroom management, the adeptness of instructing across multiple proficiency levels, the art of curating comprehensive classroom and workshop curricula, the finesse of delivering precise corrections and adjustments, an introduction to the principles of trauma-informed teaching, the collaborative dynamics of co-teaching alongside fellow educators, and a selection of other advanced-level pedagogical techniques, all intricately designed to enhance one’s efficacy in FCBD® instruction.
Students that are interested in Advanced Teacher Training will be required to apply prior to acceptance into the program.
This is not a pass/fail course. You will be given daily feedback and be expected to incorporate this feedback into your subsequent training so that by the end you will be eligible for graduation. Each participant must be present for the entire 20 hours. Participants must be proficient in the English language.

General Skills for Classic and Modern FCBD® Intensives
5. – 8. August 2023, 4 days, 24 hours
Booking are open! Get in contact.

Student requirements
This course is not for beginners. The intensive presents the foundational movements and concepts documented on Tribal Basics DVDs Vol. 1 – 7 including; formations, lead and follow, chorus and zils. Each student must submit a dance bio, limited to one page, upon acceptance to the program. This should include their dance experience as it relates FCBD® and what you want to achieve at the Intensive. A photo is appreciated along with any personal comments, but not a “resume” type listing of everything they have ever done! Each student will receive a certificate of participation at the end of the course but must be present for the entire 24 hours, no exceptions. Students must be proficient in English.

Teacher Training for FCBD®
10. – 11. August 2024, 2 days, 10 hours
The bookings are not open yet.
Opening on 24. September 2023

Student requirements

For graduates of General Skills for FCBD®. Curriculum with include instruction on how to present the concept of FCBD®, the steps, verbal instruction, physical cueing, assessing students needs, answering common questions, structuring a class and troubleshooting. If you have previously graduated from General Skills please send a copy of your certificate with your application.
Each student will receive a certificate of participation at the end of the course but must be present for the entire 10 hours. Students must be proficient in English.


The course will be taught by Carolena Nericcio, the creator of FatChance® Style herself. Assisted by DeAnna Padrón Freeman and Kelley Beeston. Both are graduates of Advanced Teacher Training and are FatChance® Continuing Education (FCCE) instructors.


The application and application procedures have not yet been opened.

Venue and accommodation Options

Evangelische Frauenhilfe in Westfalen e.V., Feldmühlenweg 19, 59494 Soest, Germany

The community spirit is very strong at this venue and therefore we are happy to give you the opportunity to book accommodation directly at the venue again this time. It is possible to book bed and breakfast. The venue has 50 beds in single and double rooms.
With the registration form you will receive the possibility to book bed and breakfast. If you need extra nights due to travel, this is possible.
This is also the best offer in Soest.

Hotel recommendations can be found in the registration form as a pdf-file.


Kelley Beesten and Miriam Schroth are the organisers of this event. We are very happy that we can bring this great offer to Europe. This is the first time that the Advanced Teacher Training will ever be held outside the USA. Why only one location? Travelling has not become easier and cheaper in recent years, so we have decided to choose only one location for this event. And since Soest offers everything we need (space, accommodation, good travel connections, in the middle of Europe, …), we decided on this.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Soest.

Kelley and Miriam


Miriam Schroth
View Organizer Website


Evangelische Frauenhilfe in Westfalen e.V.
Feldmühlenweg 19
Soest, NRW 59494 Deutschland